domingo, 3 de março de 2013

ADEC 2 - Correcting a piece of writing

Last class I asked you to analyze a classmate's piece of writing, a summary in English.

You had to read it and check if you understand the "message": 

Does the writing make it clear what is textual type and what is textual genre? Is the distinction comprehensible?

If so, what linguistic elements allow you to understand the text? In other words, why is the text clear, cohesive and coherent? 

If not, provide an example of a part of the reading that is not clear. Then point out the reasons for this lack of clarity. Mention specific linguistic (lexical, morphological, syntactical, pragmatic, discursive) evidence to support your claim. 

Finally, provide a suggestion to improve that part in order to render it more legible, adequate or clearer in English. 

For example:

Read the piece of writing below. Then notice the CORRECTION CODES in blue:

Now look at the codes and their meanings:

What could you say about this piece of writing? How could you improve a part that is not clear or coherent?

For instance, you could say: The first sentence seems incomplete. Also, there should be no comma (,) in it. The right spelling is "chronological". Both mistakes don't really interfere in the meaning of the sentence. The problem really seems to reside in the incompleteness of the idea.

Another problem is "And the genre is the touchable". It's weird to start a paragraph with "And" and, in English, we never use the definite article "the" before an adjective, we never say "She's the beautiful" or "It's the difficult". We say "The genre is touchable texts" or "Genres are touchable things/texts" or "The genre is A touchable TEXT"; we would also say "She's A beautiful GIRL" or "She's beautiful", "It's A difficult TASK" or "It's difficult".

........and so on

I just showed an example, there could be many other comments about this writing.

So, here's ADEC 2:

One member of the groups we formed last class should post the comments from the group. Don't forget to write your names!

Hope to read your posts soon!

9 comentários:

  1. 1 - Original
    2 - Opição de melhora

    1 - Text type is a caracteristic of the linguistic .

    2 – Text type is a linguistic characteristic.

    1 – Into the text we find many texts genre, where can be possible to do the discourse (that’s a text type – argumentative).

    2 – In the text we can find many texts type. And we can also to do the discourse of the text argumentative genre.

    Caio, O'Hara, Keissy e Priscila.

  2. Does the writing make it clear what is textual type and what is textual genre? Is the distinction comprehensive?

    No, in the text it is no clear the difference between what is textual type and textual genre. Sometimes the explanation exchanges the meaning of the two textual definitions.
    Here are the excerpt from the writing and the suggestion of improvement:

    (“O” for original and “S” for suggestion)
    O – Into the text we find many texts genre, where can be possible to do the discourse (that’s a text type – argumentative).
    S – IN the text we CAN FIND many texts TYPE, where IT IS POSSIBLE to do the discourse using the argumentative text type – for example.

    FIND x CAN FIND: there are texts that are written with just one text type (like the narrative in a tale), so it is possible to find more than one, but it is not a rule.
    TEXTS GENRE x TEXTS TYPE: the characteristic described in the excerpt talks about texts type.
    CAN BE POSSIBLE x IT IS POSSIBLE: it can not be possible, it is possible to do the discourse in a text using the argumentative text type.
    “(…) possible to do the discourse (that’s a text type – argumentative)” x “(…) possible to do the discourse using the argumentative text type – for example”: that part in the original text looks like discourse is a text type and that it is argumentative, so the suggestion intends to clarify that it is possible to do the genre discourse using the argumentative text type.

    Names: Caio, O'Hara, Keissy e Priscila.

    1. Here are the excerpt

      texts type vs text types vs types of text x textual types

  3. "The text type is the entirety in a logical sequence. This kind of text is not real of text."
    Our change: "...logical sequence and it's not real."

    "... for example, a clothe that you wear in a interview of job is a kind of text that you transfer to the other person."
    Our comment: The ideia is right but the example is confused.

    The organization of the ideas are confused and intercalated.

    Bruna Trindade, Érika, Heloisa and Taís.

    1. The ideia is right but the example is confused.

      The organization of the ideas are confused and intercalated.

  4. Does the writing make it clear what is textual type and what is textual genre? Is the distinction comprehensive?

    We could understand something about text type and genre but the text is not complete, it should contain some more relevant informations about this issue to make clear the difference between text type and genre. The text was also confused and it made difficult our understanding.

    1- Original sentence - "Text type ia a linguistic group in logical sequences."
    Our suggestion for this sentence is: "Text type is a set of linguistic traits." Because when we say that text type is just a linguistic group we don't transmit the real idea.

    2- Original sentence - "It makes a type and it is not a reality, it is a concept.
    Our suggestion for this sentence is to remove "it makes a type" from this sentence because it makes no sense, we couldn't understand the meaning of it. We should begin the sentence with "It is not a reality...".

    3- Original sentence - "Genre is a real text, exiting (I can touch them)."
    Our suggestion is to remove the word existing and the phrase that is in parentheses. It is strange to say that you can touch them because it is not a material thing.

    Group: Aline Tomazela, Beatriz Azevedo, Bruna Deritti e Vitor Mozêr.

    1. informations
      it made difficult our understanding.

  5. We found grammar mistakes, such as:
    - “Text type is a abstract concept”, when the correct form is: “Textual Type is AN abstract concept”
    - “There are five types of text type”, should be: “There are five sorts of Textual Type” or “five kinds of Textual Type”
    - “Narrative tells history”, when the correct form is: “Narrative tells STORIES” (“history” is the subject we learn in highschool, the one that tells us “stories” about wars, civilizations, etc)
    - “descriptive descrives”, when the correct form is: “descriptive describes”
    - “comunication”, when the correct form is: “communication”
    Despite grammar mistakes, it doesn’t have interpretation mistakes, but it could be better explained, it has a very “empty” explanation.

    Beatriz Angerami, José Eduardo, Luana Moro, Marina Demori

  6. Como eu tinha vindo na ultima aula e assisti o video,entendi a materia,entao deixei a Fernanda e a Jéssica lerem o resumo para ver se entenduam,pois nao estavam na aula.
    Pelo o que leram nao entendeam a diferença entre genero e tipo textual,entenderam apos eu explicar e mostrar as minhas anotações.
    Em relação ao texto os dois primeiros paragrafos estao bem escritos,só precisam de alguns ajustes.
    -Durinbg the video ,the woman explains the type of texts like narratives,descriptive,persuasive,etc,and how it's applied in THE society.
    - Those types of thext are LONG and inside each branch there are different genres.
    Ja os dois ultimos paragrafos geraram duvidas.
    No terceiro o sentido ficou ambiguo ,nao dando para identificar se esta falando sobre o genero ou o tipo textual,teria que ter algo especificando.
    - Each of TEXT TYPES / GENRES / THE ABOVE has its peculiarities and rules.
    No quarto e ultimo paragrafo nao deu para entender a metafora utilizada para comparar os tipos textuais com os generos.


Thanks for posting!