sexta-feira, 17 de maio de 2013

Adec 4 - Connectors

Each presentation group:

1. Post a short summary of your talk, or your prezi, as well as post a link to download (dropbox) your group's ppt.

2. Post 5 items of activities for the maing connectors of your presentation. 

Deadline - Saturday, June 15th.

8 comentários:

    Servem para acrescentar uma conclusão, conectando-a a partes anteriores da ideia.
    Exemplos Português: portanto, por isso, então, logo
    Exemplos Inglês: therefore, so, thus, consequently

    São locuções adverbiais e conjunções que definem um período de tempo intermediário entre dois eventos ou estabelecem uma relação entre eventos paralelos e simultâneos.
    Exemplos Português: nesse meio tempo, enquanto isso, enquanto
    Exemplos Inglês: in the meantime, meanwhile, while

    São locuções que indicam esclarecimentos ao que já foi exposto anteriormente de outra forma ou apresentando mais detalhes.
    Exemplos Português: Em outras palavras, … / (O que eu) quero dizer … / Quer dizer, … / Ou seja, …
    Exemplos em Inglês: In other words, … / What I'm trying to say … / I mean … / That is, … / i.e., …


    1- Não é certo comprar cachorro, _____ vou adotar um.

    2- O salário de um professor é de R$ 1.327,00. _____ o salário de um deputado federal que não terminou o ensino básico é de R$ 114.565,00.

    3- I have no money this month. _____, I spent everything.

    4- I was working in a store and _____ a big enterprise called me to an interview.

    5- I met a guy in a party yesterday but I didn't ask his name, _____, I can't search him on facebook.

    Grupo E: Caroline, Érika, Letícia e Renata.

  2. SURE
    Estes conectivos de certeza devem ser usados com moderação, pois são muitas vezes desnecessários na frase em si. Estas expressões caracterizam algo inquestionável na frase. Enfatiza a ideia de total certeza sobre o assunto dito.
    Connectors: Of course - For sure (less formal) - Definitely - Certainly - Without a doubt

    Os comparativos de igualdade estabelecem uma equivalência e paralelismo entre as ideias. Estabelece comparação de uma coisa a outra.
    Connectors: In the same way that - By the same token - Likewise - As well as

    São locuções adverbiais que determinam no presente um período iniciado no passado.
    Connectors: So far - Up till now - Up to now

    Estes conectivos definem no presente o momento como o início de um período futuro.
    Connectors: From now on - Henceforth (more formal).

    ATIVIDADE (Nossa atividade foram apenas textos e este contém 5 itens principais de conectivos)
    TEXTO 3
    More than 70% of our planet is a continuous body of water divided into several main oceans and some smaller seas. What is even more surprising is that so far we know just a little about what goes on in the depths. For sure there are unknown creatures that have existed for millions of years down there! We humans definitely know mainly about see life in the most accessible areas, where people go scuba diving, for example. These areas are full of life because sunlight can easily penetrate the surface.
    However, in an area known as the “Twilight Zone”, because of its darkness and mystery, there is as whole other world which up till now we know very little about. Since sunlight does not reach these depths, the Twilight Zone is dark and inhabited by fish that produce their own light. These fish can usually eat animals much large than themselves because of their predatory skills. Their teeth are sharp and large as well as their jaws and stomachs, that are also expandable that´s why their mouth and stomach can stretch and become bigger than the rest of their body!

    Obs: Não foi possível DESTACAR os conectivos usados neste texto. Foram os seguintes: SO FAR (past); FOR SURE (sure); DEFINITELY (sure); UP TILL NOW (past); AS WELL AS (equality).


    Os conectivos de Introdução apresentam uma nova idéia e geralmente são encontrados no inicio dos textos.
    Ex: First of all, In the first place, To begin with.
    Em primeiro lugar, Antes de tudo, Para começar.

    São conectivos que expõem as ideias do indivíduo e excluem as demais, apresentando seus argumentos.
    Ex: As far as I'm concerned, As for me.
    Quanto a mim, Para mim, De minha parte.

    Estes conectivos estabelecem uma conexão de referênica, referindo-se a algo ou a alguém.
    Ex: Regarding, concerning, considering.
    Com relação a, no que diz respeito a .

    Activity 2

    Read the following text and put the correct connectives on the blanks:
    Pay attention: There are connectives that don't belong to the text.

    | Secondly | In my opinion | first of all | however | also | as for me | otherwise | regarding |

    _________________ the death penalty should be illegal for multiple reasons
    _______________, the death penalty is a sign of an immature, barbaric culture.
    ______________, there is no guarantee in every case that the person being put to death is the person who actually committed the crime, regardless of a jury's guilty verdict - numerous cases have shown that our judicial system is not foolproof, because most of the people involved in it are fools
    _________a society that practices the capital punishment is no better than the people who are having it used against them. The high road (and I daresay the christian one) says that they should be forgiven after they have served their punsihment and been rehabilitated.


    Activity 3

    Read the following argument and create your own one. You can use the connectives below to increase your point of view.

    | First of all | | As for me | | Regarding |
    | To begin with | | In my opinion | | Considering |
    | Secondly |

    Are you for or againt plastic surgery?

    '' I'm against plastic surgery if its purpose behind it is to be accepted by others. But, regarding to correction of physical accident (burns, serious injuries, etc.) then I'm with it. In my opinion, everyone is born beautiful in their own way. But unfortunatley some people haven't discovered what's beautiful about them and resort to Plastic Surgery. It's artificial and in no way is it beautiful. ''

    GRUPO C – Heloisa, Jéssica e Taís.



    ADIÇÃO: São locuções conjuntivas e adverbiais que estabelecem uma correlação de acréscimo.
    ALGUNS CONECTORES DE ADIÇÃO: -Além disso, … / Ainda por cima, … / Além do mais, … / Afora (isso), … -Besides (that), … / In addition to (that), … / On top of that, … / Moreover … / Apart from (that) … / Aside from (that)

    USO EM FRASES: She bought not only a new car but also a new lawnmower; He is not only smart but brilliant.

    1.__________ her salary, she receives money from investments.
    2.The whole report is poorly written. ________, it's inaccurate
    3.We missed the bus, and ___________ it started raining.
    4.He didn't get the job because was scruffy and badly prepared. _______, he turned up late for the interview.
    5.Chomsky's revolutionary work on grammar and language deeply influenced _________ linguistics, _________ cognitive science in general


    CONTRASTE:Oposição entre coisas ou pessoas, uma das quais faz sobressair a outra.
    ALGUNS CONECTORES DE CONTRASTE: -Se … / Desde que … / Enquanto … / Contanto que … -If … / As long as … / On condition that … / Provided (that)

    USO EM FRASES:The fire fighters ratified the deal _________ the 42 men dismissed earlier be reinstated; I know your English isn't very good, but
    _________ I can understand you.

    1.Grace was the fastest runner in her school. ______ she was chosen to represent her school at the inter-school sports meet.
    2.This house has been renovated twice. ______ it looks beautiful now.
    3. John slept very late last night. ______ he managed to stay awake through the whole meeting.
    4.All the tickets were sold out. ______, we returned home feeling very disappointed.
    5.Rachel woke up early. She washed the clothes. ______, she managed to cook breakfast for everyone.

    1. (+)
      Os conectivos usados nos exemplos de frase de CONTRASTE: The fire fighters ratified the deal ON CONDITION THAT the 42 men dismissed earlier be reinstated; I know your English isn't very good, but EVEN SO I can understand you.

  5. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  6. Aline Tomazela - Beatriz Azevedo - Bruna Deritti - Rosane Rios

    Comment or Reinforcement:
    São conectivos utilizados para acrescentar um comentário ou informação adicional à ideia.
    Exemplos em português: por sinal, aliás, inclusive, pelo contrário, na verdade.
    Exemplos em inglês: as matter of fact, in fact, on the contrary, actually.

    São conectivos utilizados para dar ênfase e realçar a importância de elementos da ideia.
    Exemplos em português: principalmente, sobretudo, especialmente, ainda mais.
    Exemplos em inglês: especially, mainly, in particular, more important.

    Summarizing or finalizing:
    São conectivos utilizados para apresentar um argumento final, resumir o essencial e concluir a ideia.
    Exemplos em português: finalmente, afinal, levando tudo isso em consideração, em resumo.
    Exemplos em inglês: finally, at last, all in all, in summary.

    Read the sentences below and in case of error, put the correct connectors.

    1. Finally, although cities are all different, they face common challenges.
    2. I'm not sick; at last, I'm in the peak of health.
    3.That sounds like a gaffe but actually his aim was perfect.
    4. Space is pervaded by these wandering derelicts, as matter of fact sodium and calcium.
    5. I love sweets, especially ice cream and cake.
    6. In particular the present policy is not delivering the desired results.


Thanks for posting!