sexta-feira, 17 de maio de 2013

ADEC 5 - Non verbal to verbal

Choose a graph or diagram online.

Post the link to this image.

Describe the graph without giving your opinion.

Deadline: Friday, June 28th.

16 comentários:


    The graph illustrates the percentage of most commonly ordered foods at restaurants in USA.
    In the first view, the columns show to us that fast foods are commonly ordered than salad.
    We can see that hamburger and fries are the most ordered by men (17,5% and 14,1%) and women (13% and 13,9%) at restaurants. Although both sexes order more fast food, women’s orders are healthier. We see that 26,9% of hamburger and fries are ordered by women and 31,6% are ordered by men.
    The graph decreases for men in the order of pizza (9%), breakfast sandwich (6,1%), side salad (5,9%) and main salad (3,1%) and for women in the order of pizza (8,1%), side salad (6,9%), breakfast sandwich (5%) and main salad (4,9%).
    Following what the graph presents, we see that the order of health food is fewer than 8% for men and women, which can be an evidence of why the obesity is always growing in USA.


  2. Link here:

    This is a chart of candy Sales for 1994. It can be any company, like a supermarket.
    In the graph’s vertical, you have the quantity of candies from this Company and in the other hand you have in graph’s horizontal, all the months of the year which it shows the amount of candies sold, during the year, month by month.
    In this graph, the years’ sales started very well, because it’s clear that 40 candies is almost half of candies sold during the whole year.
    We can see there were two months that the sales reached the top that are May and October, but we also can see that there were some months the sales were very low, like February, April and the last month of the year, December.
    In the general view, this chart doesn’t present a bad sale in the total sense, because you can see more good sales than bad sales, in quantity. Because you have in totally nine months that were good sales, some of them, great and you have just three months that the sales were worst.


  3. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.


    O gráfico refere-se ao consumo de bebida alcoólica por pacientes atendidos após acidentes e violências. Demonstra que a maior porcentagem são de alcoólatras que sofrem agressões(49,0).Em seguida mostra as lesões auto-provocada,onde os próprios alcoolizados colocam em risco a sua integridade física(36,5).Com 21,2 sofrem acidentes de transportes, e com 11,1 sofrem acidentes provocados por quedas.
    5,7 são pacientes com outros tipos de acidentes, e os pacientes atendidos com queimadura são 4,3.


    The graphic illustrates all the nine symphonies made by Ludwig Van Beethoven in a search to know which one is the favorite symphony for the public. As we can see, the 9th symphony was the one which received more votes that, by coincidence, is the most famous work known by Beethoven. Other coincidence happens with the 5th symphony that follows as the second more voted. We can analyse this graphic, seeing by the perspective that most symphonies of Beethoven do not make much success as the others 5th and 9th, for the same reason those ones (5th and 9th symphonies) were the explosion of success at the time that the 9th one was presented to the public. However, we also realize that none of the symphonies have no votes, so, we can conclude that there are many people that still listen to classical music, not only the most famous works of the classical composers but all their work, whether for liking or studying music.


    The graph above shows the percentage of obese people in 28 different countries and brings the classification of the country with the highest incidence of obesity to the lowest one.
    The country at the first rank is the United States of America, with 30.6% of obese people in the population. It is not difficult to understand their place in this research, since the hallmarks of that country are the fast food and the exaggerated proportions of dishes.
    Last rank, South Korea and Japan illustrate the healthiest population in the survey (3.2% of obese people). The population feeding in these two countries is based on cereals and seafood, accompanied by physical exercise and outdoor activities.
    It is concluded finally that the most powerful country in various ways is also the champion of obesity, becoming the last sample feeding pattern.


    The infographic shows that over 8.1 million people are internet users, including those who access the Internet are more young people between 12 and 15 years. The greatest number of hits on the internet are internet cafes, and according to the Brazilian, life improved greatly after the internet.
    In one of the graphs show the girl how people are informed. And people from 34 years upwards prefer watching TV to access the internet, as the youngest of 12 is 24 years prefer to access the internet.
    In the infographic also shows that Brazilians will be 12 ~ 15 years are the ones that access the internet in internet cafes (65%), and 53% of Internet users are 1-3 hours on each network access. The ranking in social networks is Orkut (2010).

    Now, one thing I found very cool and interesting was a graph on modes curious as Brazilian seek FACEBOOK by Google:

  8. site:


    O gráfico fala sobre os tipos de violência contra a mulher no Brasil e no Mundo. Cada coluna do gráfico representa um tipo de violência e a quantidade (em porcentagem) de mulheres que sofrem com isso. Os tipos de violência contra a mulher mais praticados descritos no gráfico são o estupro não doméstico que de 60% das mulheres 52% sofrem, o abuso sexual sofrido por 19% e o estupro doméstico que em média 11% das mulheres sofrem. O gráfico também fala sobre o abuso sexual não doméstico, a tentativa de estupro doméstico, a tentativa de estupro não doméstico e o assédio sexual que não passa de 10% das mulheres que sofrem, mas também não deixa de ser um ato de violência contra elas.


    The graph shows the homicide rates among youth aged 15 to 24 years between 1998-2008 in Brazil.
    We can see that from 1998 to 2003 increased steadily the number of homicides, growing from 25,9 to 28,9. This was the period that Brazil had the highest homicide rate. There was a sharp decline from 2003 to 2005, decreasing from 28,9 to 25,9. Between 2005 and 2006 the rate of homicides increased slightly, rising from 26,3 to 25.2. finally, in 2007 the rate increased again reaching 26,4 in 2008.
    In conclusion, the number of young Brazilians murdered is very large and has grown gradually until 2003. In this period the rates decreased and since 2005, the rates have remained in constant oscillation.

    Aline Tomazela


    The graph shows us about the schooling rate of persons between 15-17 years of age in Brazil and in each major region of the country. It does a comparison relative the year 1992 and 2002 about this important matter for our society.
    According to the graph, there was a general growth of schooling in Brazil, which in 1992 had 59.7% and in 2002 reached 81.5%. Analyzing each region in particular, it is possible to see growth in all. Highlight the North that growth wasn't large, but had a higher rate than the others since 1992; the major growth occurred in the South that was 52.4% to 78.8%. In the Northeast had a percentage of 56% and reached 79.9%. To finish the Southeast with advancing 63.2% to 83.8% and Midwest, which had 61.6% in 1992 and in 2002 reached 80.3%.
    In summary, observing the graph it is clear that all regions and consequently Brazil had significant growth over in the education of the people. Some regions more others less but always some growth.

    Beatriz Azevedo


    The graph shows the evolution that took deforestation in the Amazon, which has lost 745,000 km ², equivalent to 490 cities the size of Sao Paulo or 90 million football fields, which so far in the current year (2012) reached the lowest rate since 1988.

    In the period 2011-2012 there was an increase of 10by percent at Acre, 29 percent by cent per 33 por Amazon and Tocantins. Already Amapa, Para, Maranhao, Mato Grosso, Rondônia and Roraima had a decrease in the order of 53 percent, 44 percent, 33 percent, 31 percent, 19 percent and 12 percent.

    From 2004 to 2012 all had a decay, Mato Grosso with surprisingly 93 percent, followed by Pará and Rondônia that almost equaled under 81 and 80 percent, Tocantins, Maranhão and Roraima who were next with 66, 65 and 63 percent, and after Acre, 58 percent, Amazon, 48 percent and 33 percent Amapá.

    Already in Amazonia in 1991 had a deforestation of 11,030 km ², in 1995 had increased to 29,059 km ². In 1997 had fallen to just one of 13,227 km ² and deforested in 2004 had again increased to a peak of 27,772 km ² deforested. In 2012 had a drastic drop to just 4656 km ².

    The Amazon is made ​​up of 18 percent of deforested areas, 4 percent of water bodies and 78 percent of remaining vegetation.

    The area was cleared by the year 2008 had been used mostly for pasture (62.2%), second to secondary vegetation with 21% area not observed 6.3%, agriculture 4.9% annual, mosaic occupation and its 3.4% minority to urban area, 0.5%, mining 0.1% and others 1.6%.

  12. Graph on page 4

    This graph shows the presence of Brazilian people in some Europeans countries and Switzerland from 2002 to 2007. Thus, in 2002 the most part of them were living in Portugal, Italy, Germany and Switzerland. They were specially adults who went to live abroad to work and earn more money, to buy houses and cars in Brazil and then return to their families. But in 2007, they passed to live the UK, followed by Portugal, Italy and Spain. Note the significant growth in the number of Brazilians in the UK, Spain, Belgium and Ireland. In the Iberian country, for example, went from 20,000 in 2002 to 110,000 in
    2007. In the UK, in the same period, the increase was from 30.000 to 150
    thousand, including a lot of adolescents and young adults who were there to study english or another language and specially to work. Nowadays, in 2013, the immigration of every European country is more rigorous with the presence of foreigners to try to minimize the amount of illegal immigrants.

    Primeiro Gráfico: Taxa de Desemprego Antecipada (pela FIPE - Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas).

    O gráfico leva em consideração a taxa de desemprego no mês de fevereiro/2013, comparando os valores com a mesma taxa do mês de fevereiro/2012, com base nos dados da Catho. É mostrado que em fevereiro de 2012 a taxa de desemprego no Brasil era de 5,8%, e nos meses seguintes foi caindo, até que em dezembro de 2012 teve o índice de desemprego mais baixo do ano. Em 2013 esse índice aumentou novamente, chegando a 5,7% em fevereiro (um pouco menor em relação ao mesmo período de 2013).

    Beatriz Angerami


    O gráfico nos mostra o aumento de 30% da taxa de suicídio no Brasil nos ultimos 25 anos. Podemos observar que no nRio Grande so Sul, a cada 100 mil pessoas, mais de 8 cometem suicídio. outro dado importante é a taxa de homens que cometem suicídio cresceu mais do que a de mulheres, cerca de 1,2%. Na mesma imagem observamos que a Lituânia é o país com maior taxa de suicídio, e o Brasil está em 73° no ranking mundial.



    This advertising-graph made by Bones Wheels shows the result of an abrasion drag test performed with skateboard wheels of the most popular manufacturers on the market. This test is made by weighing wheels with the same diameter, attaching them to a fifty pound block and dragging the wheels at a specific speed and distance on two different kinds of surface. Then, the wheels are weighed again so they can calculate how much material was lost.
    As we can see, in a scale from 0.0% to 3.5% of lost material, the Bones Wheels outlasts the other wheels tested. Ranking by category, in the Park skateboarding modality, the Bones Skate Park Formulas lost 2.0% less material than Spitfire Parkburners. In the Street skateboarding modality, the Bones Street Tech Formulas lost 1,5% less material than Spitfire Streetburners . And concluding, in the All Terrain category, The Bones 100’s overcomes all the other wheels which have the same technical features from 0.2% to 1.5%. However, from the manufacturers which produce wheels for the three skateboarding modalities, Spitfire was the only concurrent with the three kinds shown. In the street category, the Bones STF doesn’t have the equivalent from Ricta (Sparx and Speedrings) and Element (Banner, Represent and Peak), as well as in the Park modality the Bones SPF doesn’t have the equivalent from Ricta (Chrome Core and Superpark), Element (Icon, Timber and Varsity) and Type-S (Dual Durometer). This information is necessary for rookie skateboarders looking for a reliable source.
    Despite of lacking information in this advertising, Bones Wheels is still the favorite brand among longtime skateboarders who confirms the brand’s better slide-ability and better resistance to flat spots.


    The graph shows the number of smokers.The percentage is made with every 100 smokers to know how old they began to smoke. For this research a survey was done with young people under 16 years up to 21 years or more to know at what age they started to life smoker.

    17 percent of young people say who started smoking before 16 years old.23 percent of young people began to smoke between his 16 and 17 year old.the largest number of people began to smoke between 18 and 20 years old the percentage is 34 percent.26 percent of 100 people say that started smoking at 21 years old or older.

    In conclusion,the number of youth who began his life of smokers in adolescence is still very large compared to the number of smokers who started in their adulthood.

    Rosane Rios.


Thanks for posting!